Privacy Policy

Privacy and security

Avoiding phishing and scams

• Avoiding cryptocurrency scams

• Password requirements and troubleshooting

• Reporting phishing sites

• What is phishing?

• Why am I being asked to change my second-factor method?

• Why did I receive an unexpected device confirmation email?

Data privacy

• Privacy data request FAQ

• How to access privacy settings and make requests

• How can I make my account more secure?

• Sending authenticated account requests for Digibit Wallet Commerce

• Data Privacy at Digibit Wallet

• Why did my crypto address change?

• Why does the Digibit Wallet mobile app request special permissions?

Account compromised

• How do I report an unauthorized transaction?


• Digibit Wallet Money Transmission and e-Money Regulatory Compliance

• Does Digibit Wallet use customer deposits for anything?

• How can I disclose a security vulnerability to Digibit Wallet?

• How does Digibit Wallet use my ID?

• How is my bank account information protected?

• I see the error “account temporarily disabled.” What should I do?

• Is a 2-step verification code required for every login?

• Is a crypto address linked to my Digibit Wallet account safe to display publicly?

• Is Bitcoin secure? Has this network ever been hacked?

• Is this email really from Digibit Wallet?

• Why will my password reset require 24 hours to process?